True Impact Ministries invites you to join in our united, worldwide, monthly day of prayer
Tuesday January 14, 2020
Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty!
Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations!
Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify your name?
For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship you,
for your righteous acts have been revealed.
Revelation 15:3b-4
Worship the Lord – and then take time to talk with him. Use this guide or pray as the Spirit leads you.
Our children have celebrated Christmas at each home, playing, feasting, enjoying community and receiving gifts. Thank God for each child we serve and for God’s rich blessing in 2019 and in 2020.
Pray for all the students who have graduated from our homes and programs and are now seeking employment or future guidance. Our current graduates are from Salem, Immanuel or Hoffman Memorial Children’s Homes.
Pray for all the Higher Ed students who will be working towards a University education or Vocational Training from Maranatha schools, Immanuel, Hoffman Memorial or Salem Homes.
Pray for the Secondary 4 students at all 5 locations: Truth, Hoffman memorial, Salem, Immanuel and Maranatha who are waiting for hand-graded test scores which will determine their next steps towards education or training. (pray for honest graders and good decisions)
Pray for the Primary 7 students as they start fresh in either Secondary education or Vocational training.
Pray for the little ones – and for each student- to know the Father’s love.
Ask the Lord to bless the TIM overseers: leaders, teachers, board members, directors employees and support network. May each person desire and seek a trusting and personal relationship with Jesus and find peace as they serve. May we individually and corporately seek after and understand the heart of God, learning of His strength, provision and guidance. May we have integrity, kindness, and grace in all we do.
Remember Jeff, Maggie, Patrick, Eva, Hellen, Alex, Raphael, Cate, Sam, Prossie, Isaac, Racheal, and the many others who work daily with the students.
Pray for abundance with the Spring fundraisers in Oman and in Denver. Ask God for provision.
Pray for protection, joy, and direction for Amy, Molly and Dave as they travel to Uganda.
Let all the peoples praise You O God; Let all the peoples praise you. Ps 67